Sunday Mornings
Sunday Evenings
Our Sunday Evening Services currently start at 5:00 PM every Sunday. We are currently going through a study on the book of Revelation. Come join us!
Additional Ministry Opportunities

- Young Adult Sunday School
- Adult Sunday School
- Senior Adult Sunday School
- Children's Sunday School
- Youth
Kingdom Men – Taught by Gary Bear
A Men’s class with an age range of 19 – 60. Study material is a mix of the Bible and/or a Bible study from organizations such as LifeWay. This is a new class that was started in order to disciple men in becoming the Kingdom men God has called us to be. Come join us! We’re just a group of ordinary guys desiring to be the men, husbands, and/or fathers God has designed us to be!
Kingdom Women – Taught by Megan Byrd
We are an adult Sunday school class for single and married women in their 20s-50s. We do studies focused on learning more about the bible and studies on topics that relate to what we are all going through. We strive to be a place women can feel comfortable sharing both the joys and hardships in life through connecting with God and one another.
We have four Adult Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings, each one different in design, but all with one purpose to further our knowledge of Jesus Christ!
We will be updating the Classes names and more of a description for each one in the Coming days
Adult 2 Class A – Taught by Doug Thomas & David Bridges
This class uses series type studies similar to the Young Adult classes, that allow them to have discussion and apply it to the different walks of life that meet each Sunday Morning. The ages of class members range from right out of College to mid 50’s.
Adult 2 Class B – Taught by All Members
This class uses LifeWay Quarterly Bible studies, which are 13-week studies.
Adult 3 Class A – Taught by Dr. Richard Byrd
Richard Byrd teaches this Class on Sunday mornings. The focus is on biblical teaching and understanding. All of the classes at FBC teach from the Bible and about Jesus Christ, but this class focuses more directly on going through the Bible a little at a time, trying to grow in understanding it.
Odds & Ends Class – Taught by Gary Lacy
This class teaches from the Bible while also learning how to apply Jesus’ teachings to the current lifestyles they lead.
Adult 4 Joy Class – Taught by Sarah Key, Mary Ann Power, & Ruth Adele Waggoner
This Ladies Sunday School Class is a more traditional class that uses Curriculum from Lifeway to help this group grow towards a better understanding of the Gospel.
Adult Open Age Pairs & Spares – Taught by Vernon Helgren, Rick Howard, Glen Morgan, & Stan Wilson
This Co-Ed Sunday School Class is more traditional class that also uses Curriculum from Lifeway to help them grow towards a better understanding of the Gospel.
We have a nursery available for newborn through three years during church and Bible study classes. There is also a nursing space for mothers. Potty trained three-year-old children will move to a Sunday school class for their age group that is attached to the nursery during the Sunday school hour.
Children’s Sunday School
We offer children’s Sunday school classes for all ages! Bible stories and lessons are tailored to their age group and include crafts and snack time for Kinder and younger.
Ages 3-4
Pre-K and Kinder
1st & 2nd
3rd & 4th
5th & 6th
Youth Sunday School
Children in junior high and high school have their own space to meet in a building just across the road. They can enjoy a space that is just for big kids and get to know more about God while having fun and fellowship.